Matthew Bronars

I am a Masters student in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech where I am getting my Masters in Computer Science with a specialization in computational perception and robotics. I work in the Robotic Learning and Reasoning Lab (RL2) and my thesis advisor is Danfei Xu . My research lies at the intersection of Robotics and Machine Learning

I received my BS in EECS and Mechanical Engineering from UC Berkeley (2017-2021). At Berkeley I worked on computer vision for stem cell tracking and segmentation in the Sohn Microfluidics Laboratory under Lydia Sohn. I have also spent time as a Computer Vision intern at the Schlumberger-Doll Research Center (2021) where I worked on anomoly detection and transfer learning under Suraj Kiran and Tianxiang Su. And time as a Machine Learning Scientist at Symbotic (2023) where I worked on failure prediction under Shahab Ilbeigi and Daniel Burns.

Email  /  Resume


My research goal is to improve the quality of life for all people by enabling embodied AI agents to safely and autonomously opperate in our human-centric world. To this end, I work on deep learning for robotics with a focuses on offline policy generation and data driven approaches to human robot interaction. I am interested in learning from large-scale, unstructed, offline datasets as these are the most abundant and accessible sources of data. Developing algorithims that learn effectively from these datasets is a key step towards deployable robotic agents. I am also interested in how we can leverage humans to help robots gather data, learn new skills, and contend with uncertainty. Algorithms that allow for safe and effective human robot collaboration even in the face of out of distribution data are key to the success of future robotic agents.

Course Work

Teaching Assistant:

  • [Fa 2023] Deep Learning - Georgia Tech CS 7643 (assignment I created on generative models)
  • [Sp 2024] Deep Learning for Robotics - Georgia Tech CS 8803 DLM
Notable Courses:
  • Machine Learning - UC Berkeley CS 189 (A)
  • [Fa 2022] Artificial Intelligence - Georgia Tech CS 6601 (A)
  • [Fa 2022] Computational Data Analysis - Georgia Tech CSE 6740 (A)
  • [Sp 2023] Deep Learning - Georgia Tech CS 7643 (A)
  • [Sp 2023] Human Robot Interaction - Georgia Tech CS 7633 (A)
  • [Fa 2023] Machine Learning with Limited Supervision - Georgia Tech CS 7647 (Current)
Projects, Posters, and Publications (representative works are highlighted):
Legibility Diffuser: Offline Imitation for Intent Expressive Motion
Matthew Bronars, Shuo Cheng, Danfei Xu
Preprint (under review for RA-L 2024)

Keywords: Human Robot Interaction, Diffusion Models,Imitation Learning

TL;DR: By leveraging diffusion model guidance, Legibility Diffuser is able to clone the most legible trajectories from a dataset of multi-modal, multi-task human demonstrations.


Learning to Discern: Imitating Heterogeneous Human Demonstrations with Preference and Representation Learning
Sachit Kuhar, Shuo Cheng, Shivang Chopra, Matthew Bronars, Danfei Xu
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2023)

Keywords: Imitation Learning, Preference Learning, Manipulation

TL;DR: Learning to Discern (L2D) is an imitation learning framework for learning from suboptimal demonstrations. By training a quality evaluator in a learned latent space, L2D can generalize to new demonstrators given only a small subset of labeled data.

Legible Robot Motion from Conditional Generative Models
Matthew Bronars, Danfei Xu
ICML Workshop on Interactive Learning from Human Feedback (2023)

Keywords: Generative Modeling, Human Robot Interaction, Learning from Demonstrations

TL;DR: We introduce Generative Legible Motion Models (GLMM), a framework that utilizes conditional generative models to learn legible trajectories from human demonstrations.


Automated Segmentation and Tracking of Neural Stem Cells in Unstained Brightfield Microscopy Images
Matthew Bronars, Kristen Cotner, Lydia Sohn
UC Berkeley Undergraduate Research Fair, 2021

Keywords: Computer Vision, Image Segmentation, Tracking

TL;DR: Trained a U-Net CNN to segment stem cells and wrote a python script to track them through the timelapse.

Vision Based Wireline Cable Tracking and Anomaly Detection
Matthew Bronars, Suraj Raman, Tianxiang Su
Schlumberger-Doll Research, 2021

Keywords: Computer Vision, Transfer Learning

TL;DR: Designed transfer learning pipeline for implementing cable tracking and damage detection on multiple well sites.

*US Patent Pending

Impasta - Automated Pasta Making Machine
Matthew Bronars, Josiah Polhemous
UC Berkeley, 2021

Keywords: Mechatronics

TL;DR: Designed, built, and programmed a pasta making machine for automated food production.